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Reagan Dunn Joins “The Big Tent” Podcast to Discusses His Work and Advocacy Around Behavioral Health, Addiction, and Substance Use Disorders

One of the subjects closest to Reagan’s heart is the issue of addiction and recovery. Reagan is a recovering alcoholic with years of sobriety and is a nationally recognized leader in forming public policy to help those suffering from substance use disorders.

One in six Americans suffers from a form of addiction; one in eight from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Reagan has been an outspoken supporter of King County’s Mental Illness and Drug Dependency program. Because of Reagan’s leadership, Washington State is now the first state in the nation to recognize a legal privilege in civil law between addicts and their sponsors participating in recovery programs. Last year, Reagan hosted King County’s first annual conference on addiction disorders, with over 200 people attending this important event.

Reagan joined The Big Tent podcast to discuss his work and advocacy in King County and around the nation on behalf of people living with behavioral health issues, addiction, and substance use disorders.

Listen below (or click here if you don’t see the embedded player):